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Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Pity The Fool Who Doesn't Get Their Vitamins!

Being healthy is awesome. I haven't always been healthy; as a matter of fact I was indeed once a smoker; however, that was just a phase. Now I make sure that I get a decent amount of exercise and take my vitamins. This is simply because when you are healthy you feel better, and you can achieve more because of this. Recently I have been sampling a large amount of "healthy" drinks. Personally I enjoy SoBe Naturals, because of their good taste and proposed health benefits. The product isn't very popular and I predict it will be off the market soon. This is because of Vitamin Water and Aquafina Plus Enchanced Water. After looking at the back of my SoBe Natural Pina Colada bottle I realized it was full of sugar. Not that I have anything against sugar, but I feel like I get enough of it anyways. This caused me to switch over to Vitamin Water.

Vitamin Water is very tasty and easy to find. I also enjoy their commercials, as they are often comical and light hearted in nature. When commercials for sports drinks are too serious it makes the product seem very intense. This isn't a bad positioning for drinks like Gatorade and PowerAde; however, if vitamin water wanted this appeal it might propel the wrong image. Vitamin Water enhances your overall well being, but sports drinks re-hydrate you giving you energy. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

15th Blog!

Well, I’ve reached the big one five. I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to improve my writing skills and gain more understanding of media. This has been my first blog and I’m sure I will utilize blogging in the future. I find that blogging is an effective way for everybody to understand the way you think and write. This is because it is such a creative space, and it is an area where you can speak freely about any topic on your mind. Also having a blog up and running shows employers that I'm am active and alive. In today's world blogs are taking a more and more important roll in media. During the Colonel Russell Willaims trail news reporters were blogging from the courtroom. News outlets are now referencing blogs in their articles and stories. Clearly they are have been and are growing to be very popular.

Next semester I hope to continue using online communications as I feel they are the way of the future. Along those lines I also hope that I will learn how to improve and better utilize technology to make me more appealing to employers. I can’t wait for the opportunities that lay in the future.

David Lynch has been a successful and extremely creative director since his film-making debut in 1966. During his career Lynch was asked to create a few short and creative commercials for many different companies. Often times directors are not given full creative freedom to make a commercial, because the company has image it wants to show. Calvin Klein let Lynch have full control of the commercial series for the cologne Obsession. He created a three main spots and a fourth, which was not realized. Exerts from famous authors are read well models and actors play out roles occurring in the clip. They are well produced and show some on Lynch's overall creativity.

More creative commercials created by David Lynch follow the theme of his movies, madness. For example a short movie called "Rabbits" is about a family of humanoid rabbits who find themselves in trouble. The group hear a knock on their door and the rest of the short is them trying to find out who it was; however, it is massively confusing and very little of it makes any sort of sense. Parisienne cigarettes allowed David to be as wild and confusing as possible, which resulted in an interesting advertisement that makes you remember the product and the short. 


When people meet you are you shy? Do you wish that you had said something different or more interesting? There are a lot of situations in everyday life where something could have been improved. If you get hung up on it you will view it as a failure. Failure is a part of everyday life and overcoming it only makes you a better person. Seth Godin summed the fear of failure up in his article about the “lizard brain”. I agree with Seth in the aspect that fear of failure is a reality that everyone faces; however, people must come to terms with it.

When it comes to introductions, especially to people who are important, nerves may be racing. It may help to take some deep breaths and talk slowly, but the main need is to block out your fear. In my mind I have no fear of embarrassment so when I introduce myself I’m friendly and funny. This may also be a downside in business situations, so currently I have been thinking on a more serious introduction format. It is helpful that I already have a good balance with my fears, and understand that a failure often means that there is time to improve. 

Winter, deal with it!

I always have enjoyed the snow and the scenery of winter. Everyone I talk to says the same; however, they all hate the cold weather. I on the other hand don't mind it, I don't like it, but I have realized that my complaining won't change anything. If you live in North America you should understand that it is going to be cold during the winter months. It is not going to help if you tell me every five seconds that you hate this weather. I feel that when people say things about the weather they expect that it will change it. Delusions such as these don't occur to me, and I understand the necessity of winter. People just need to understand that when it's cold, you should try harder to keep warm.

A simple way to keep warm when you are outside is to keep moving. When you move your heart pumps slightly faster, which means blood will flow circulate faster. This will warm you up internally. It won’t save you if you’re trapped outside in minus thirty, so don’t try and do anything crazy. In conclusion I would like to say that appropriate clothing helps keep you warm, not t-shirts.

Technology and the Elderly

I work in a retirement home as a Dietary Aide, which just means I’m a glorified server, and I enjoy it. I also have been talking to the marketing manager there, and she feels she could make use of my skills when she begins her marketing. I conduct small conversations with the residents whenever I run into some in the halls of the home. As of late the home as been undertaking changes. The Long Term Care section of the home recently moved to a better area because it was only interim. The activity room was recently ripped apart, even the walls, to make room for new wires and cables which would run through the building. 

Always curious I inquired about the wires. They are being added so that computers can be set up in the activity room. Often times the residents would see me using my BlackBerry, and inquire as to what it was. After I explained all the functions and uses they would tell me how lucky I am to have such a tool. Now that a large computer area will be coming the residents will have the opportunity to use email. This is good as some resident’s families live far away and don't often come to visit. Now they will be able stay in touch with their loved ones without to much hassle.

I'm Back!

So I haven't been blogging for the last two weeks. You may be wondering why, and the reason is simple, to busy. The last two weeks consisted of me creating and perfecting six beautiful projects and four marvelous presentations. Personally I didn't find this week stressful; however, I found myself in the Mac Lab for hours on end working away. One day I was at the school from 8:30am to 6:30pm co-coordinating group work and doing research. Between classes I would spend my time doing work as well. Now I have reached the end of my project line-up. I only have to complete my Blogs here, and finish the iWeb assignment for Robin Pepper.

First off I’d like to say that my teamwork abilities have greatly improved from the events of the last two weeks. Thought I also enjoy my solo work I know have an appreciation for how hard working team members can enhance projects. My favourite project to finish was for Jackie St. Pierre. Jesse Whale and I had spent numerous hours working on a hand in to give to her. While I worked on the text and writing Jesse went over design, placement and proof reading. When the finally product was complete I was very impressed with what we had produced. Jackie responded very well to the handout by dubbing it "professional quality". It is always nice to see hard work pay off.