Well, I’ve reached the big one five. I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to improve my writing skills and gain more understanding of media. This has been my first blog and I’m sure I will utilize blogging in the future. I find that blogging is an effective way for everybody to understand the way you think and write. This is because it is such a creative space, and it is an area where you can speak freely about any topic on your mind. Also having a blog up and running shows employers that I'm am active and alive. In today's world blogs are taking a more and more important roll in media. During the Colonel Russell Willaims trail news reporters were blogging from the courtroom. News outlets are now referencing blogs in their articles and stories. Clearly they are have been and are growing to be very popular.
Next semester I hope to continue using online communications as I feel they are the way of the future. Along those lines I also hope that I will learn how to improve and better utilize technology to make me more appealing to employers. I can’t wait for the opportunities that lay in the future.
Trevor, I'm pleased you see the light! Are you making a profit from these ads on your blog page? I hope so!